Blazej Pruszczynski, MD, PhD | Paediatric orthopaedic Specialist
Diagnostyka i leczenie chorób stawu biodrowego, stopy końsko-szpotawej, mózgowego porażenia dziecięcego, następstw urazów, chorób zwyrodnieniowych, dobieranie ortez.
ortopeda dziecięcy, Łódź, Piotrków Trybunalski, Sochaczew, neuroortopeda

Orthopaedics – the art of correcting and preventing deformities in children

Nicolas Andry (1743)

This sentence stuck in my memory when I was a student… It later influenced the rest of my medical interests.
As an orthopaedist I take care of my patients from birth to adulthood, often even longer, going with them through the stages of their live. I diagnose, treat them, operate on them and support them during post-operative periods.
In paediatric orthopaedics, cooperation with parents, guardians and physiotherapists is important. However, what is crucial is to organize, understand and accept the whole process of treatment including post-operative proceedings. This process involves a patient, his/her family and often a physiotherapist, and doctors of many other specialities.


Paediatric orthopaedics

  • diagnostics and treatment of hip joint diseases, dysplasia, avascular necrosis (Perthes disease), femoral head exfoliation
  • diagnostics and treatment of cerebral palsy
  • diagnostics and treatment of clubfoot
  • diagnostics and treatment of disorders of feet, knees and body equilibrium
  • diagnostics and treatment of avascular necroses of bones
  • skolioses – conservative treatment and coordination of surgical treatment
  • planning and conducting treatment in case of after-effects of injuries (fractures, injuries of ligaments, semi-lunar cartilages, post-infectious alterations etc.)

Orthopaedics for adults

  • treating after-effects of diseases from childhood
  • diagnosing, treating or treatment coordination of degenerative diseases
  • diagnosing, treating or treatment coordination of after-effects of injuries


  • diagnostics and treatment of after-effects of cerebral palsy
  • coordinating and implementing the results of gait analysis
  • diagnosing, treating or treatment coordination of compression neuropathies – carpal tunnel syndrome, compression syndromes of elbow/knee joint area etc.


  • examining and planning orthotic treatment- correct application of insoles, shoes, orthoses, elbow crutches, standers, etc.
  • fittig ortheses UCBL, DAFO, AFO, KAFO etc.

Main interests

Hip dysplasia

Hip dysplasia

It occurs in 4 per cent of infants born alive, four times more often in girls. We should also remember about so-called clinically silent hip dysplasia. It is important to conduct a detailed clinical and sonographic examination. It is not possible to carry out this examination too early, because a professional who conducts it, is aware of anatomical and clinical differences in hip joints between newborn babies and infants. Conducting the examination not early enough or interpreting the images incorrectly can have serious consequences. In Poland we use Graf method in sonography. In my practice, in case of doubts I additionally make use of other sonographic projections, i.e. Harcke, Dalström and Bocquet methods.



According to the data presented by Dr. Morcuende from Iowa (USA), Dr. Ponseti’s heir, chances of curing clubfoot without surgery amount to over 90 per cent. It requires, however, experience and perfect cooperation with parents and medical staff. Cooperation and mutual trust have to be present at every stage of treatment. Patience and regularity of each member of a team: a doctor – parents – medical staff are of great importance. The aim of treatment is painless foot, on which you can put a normal shoe. Additionally, I still broaden my knowledge in this very narrow field in Poland as well as abroad.

Infantile cerebral palsy

Cerebral palsy

The disease concerns 0,2 per cent of infants born alive. The symptoms develop – contractures, bones deformities, movement, communication and eating disorders. Cooperation with parents and the entire medical staff is a must. Children with cerebral palsy need to be stimulated intellectually, their muscles have to be strengthened and stretched and when a need arises they should undergo an operation and orthoses should be fitted. Knowledge of types and symptoms of this disease is necessary. The purpose is to reach maximum child’s abilities as well as to keep them at this level. It is continuous, everyday fight and training.



Gait analysis, neuroorthopaedics and orthotics are connected with each other, because these patients often have similar functions disorders: of movement, of communication and of doing everyday activities. They require a comprehensive, holistic approach and cooperation with other specialists, taking into consideration the state of bones, muscles efficiency, coordination which influence everyday life. Gait analysis reveals dynamic disorders that are invisible to a human eye, orthoses help to move or regain full physical efficiency.

About me


• Student of the Faculty of Medicine at the Medical University of Lodz (2002-2006), I graduated with distinction.
• Receiving PhD degree 9.03.2010 at the Medical University of Lodz
• Obtaining the title of a Specialist in Orthopaedics and Traumatology – 11.2014
• Assistant, later Assistant lecturer in the Clinic of Orthopaedics and Paediatric Orthopaedics, the Medical University of Lodz (12.2007 up to now)


• 3rd year of studies at the Claude Bernard University in Lyon, France
• Educational Exchange Programme (IFMSA) with the Kaohsiung Medical University in Taiwan (09.2004), Klinik und Poliklinik für Orthopädie in Bonn, Germany (09.2005), the Medical University Clinical Center in Skopje, Macedonia (08.2006)
• EPOS – EFORT IC “BAT – Educational Programme” Children’s OrthopaedicsTraumatology – Vienna (2011/2012)
• Research Fellow in the AI DuPont Hospital for Children, Wilmington, DE, USA (2012-2013)
• EPOS-POSNA Travelling Fellow 2015 (19.04-2.05.2015)


• Member of the European Paediatric Orthopaedic Society – EPOS (2013 up to now)
• Member of the American Academy of Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine – AACPDM, (2015 up to now)
• Member of the Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of North America POSNA (2015 up to now)
• Member of the Hip Dysplasia Institute (2015 up to now)




Specialist Medical Centre


The Pro Familia Specialist Hospital




Piotrkow Trybunalski

Hipokrates – once a month


Medeor Plus
(only the unit dealing with hip dysplasia prevention, also within NFZ)

